A practical tool for eptihelial signalling simulations.
Interactive Epithelium (IEp, version 1.0.0) aims to provide a practical tool for testing parameter robustness while simulating the dynamics of different signalling pathways in an epithelium. The current version includes cell-cell signalling and protrusions, with several parameters available for custom simulations. The main available models are the Collier and Sprinzak models of juxtacrine signalling
To run IEp open the notebook ‘iEpithelium v1.0.0.nb’ with Wolfram Mathematica and scroll down to the ‘iEpithelium’ cell (in green). Evaluate this cell (Shift+Enter) and the remaining cells will be evaluated (click ‘Yes’ on the popup window). IEp was developed in Mathematica 13.0.1, so it is recommended that the same version is used.
Any feedback is appreciated. Please contact me at: fp409@cam.ac.uk.